This article is from my MONTHLY LOVE LETTER where I share my experiences and ideas around taking a slower, more natural approach to taking intentional action, prioritizing our energy, embodying values, experimenting with new ways of working, and upgrading our mindset.
And who knows what else!
If you are a Curious Individual, Creative Entrepreneur or are part of a Conscious Company and are interested to explore new possibilities for showing up with more ease within your work and life, I invite you to reach out to learn how I can support you through personalized coaching or customized collaborative experiences.
And who knows what else!
If you are a Curious Individual, Creative Entrepreneur or are part of a Conscious Company and are interested to explore new possibilities for showing up with more ease within your work and life, I invite you to reach out to learn how I can support you through personalized coaching or customized collaborative experiences.
Do you ever stop to think about how you want to show up in the world and have this feeling as if you can only do or experience or have it once the timing is right or once you’ve waded through the quicksand?
I know this feeling and I know I’ve talked about this before. But I had a realization today when I sat down to write this Love Letter, and I want to share how proud of myself I am for taking many small actions over this past year that have made up so many beautiful milestones.
I bring this up because it was in June 2022 that I wrote you my first Monthly Love Letter, born from the desire to find an easy way to show up with consistency… to share my thoughts, my lessons, and my life with you all.
For a long time just the idea of that felt way too cringe. It felt like something I could only do once I was more “established” in my business and I doubted myself for a long time until I found the right ingredients that created my own unique recipe for this. It felt like something for someone else, and if I tried to fake it I would be betraying a part of myself that sought comfort, safety, and authenticity. I’m glad I didn’t listen to all of these limiting beliefs.
It has taken a lot of experimentation… just like finding your favourite chocolate chip cookie recipe. And if you’ve been following me since last June you may have noticed the different array of content, structure of information, and writing styles that I’ve tried out along the way.
While each letter has looked different, I hope the feelings that they’ve brought you have felt easeful, loving, and inspiring. Because that’s what I’ve aimed to engrain in the very essence of these letters. And it’s what has felt most inspiring for me to show up and write to you each month. As I continue to experiment with new ways to write to you in these Love Letters, I promise to always keep this sentiment true and with honest reflection.
When I think about myself 12+ months ago, I feel excited for that Lauren who had yet to know what was in store for her. Little did she know then that creating this container for her writing would lead her to hire an amazing team member to help her share more of these thoughts and reflections with the world… that she would be invited to host her own radio show… contribute to three books… work with some amazing clients… travel and work nomadically like she always dreamed of… launch a podcast… and create her first group self-development program.
It’s simply amazing.

It’s been a wild last month as I’ve travelled to places within the UK, Austria, Slovenia, and Italy, and I’ve been so grateful to see my calendar fill up in the little time that I opened up in my schedule. I swam in many, many bodies of water. I saw the collaboration book I contributed to launch onto Amazon. I played lots of Monopoly Deal on trains, beaches, and restaurants with my friends. I celebrated the marriage of a very old friend at a fairytale wedding. And I ate a lot… a lot of pasta!
I don’t ever want to take this life for granted, and a part of that is not only thanking the universe for allowing abundance to show up for me in so many beautiful ways but also acknowledging how I’ve said yes to things before I’ve fully felt ready for them.
Taking that leap of faith and betting on yourself, no matter how big or small, is what will truly propel you to not only surface above the quicksand but also fly amongst the stars!!
But first, why not acknowledge something you’ve said yes to even when you weren’t 100% sure of yourself?
Lots of Love,
P.S. I’ve been thinking about creating a container where you can all show up with that one pattern that you’re ready to disrupt… to experiment with and break free of.
Are you interested? Reach out and let me know