I see a lot of people boycotting setting goals for this year, and I wonder if it’s because of the pressure that setting goals has had on us in the past… because of the way we’ve been conditioned as human beings to achieve…because of how we’re constantly surrounded by “shitty shoulds” (anything you or someone else thinks you “should” do)… because of feeling like we have to meet someone else’s invisible expectation in order to feel worthy.
Or perhaps it’s that we’re simply giving ourselves the permission to bring more comfort or support to our visions in order to experience more flow… more unexpected wonders… more curious experiments… more freedom to explore instead of defaulting to the constraints of over defining what achieving our goals looks like.
Perhaps it’s something else all together (and I’d love to hear your decision for not setting goals this year if that is you).
A big part for me Is that there so much discomfort in our world. There are so many moments of applying pressure… of experiencing criticism and judgement, whether it’s external or internal. There are so many opportunities for us to make decisions for ourselves that favour the default of who we’ve been or what the world expects to see from us based on who we’ve been in the past.
Yet, there are just as many opportunities for us to make decisions for ourselves. Simply for ourselves. Simply to honour our values… our vision. Simply to experience more fun… more joy. And I realized that it’s more important to me to explore creative directions and make decisions that honour these things, especially amongst the discomfort that still exists amongst the joy, the wonder, and the exploration of our dreams.
I wonder how many times in this past year you made a decision that was both uncomfortable but wildly aligned to your vision even without a roadmap of how to make your dreams come true?
I wonder how many opportunities you’ll receive this year to trust in yourself and fully surrender to the idea that we can never truly know what will happen next, and that there truly isn’t anything that we can control? Perhaps the opportunities are limitless even tied to one unique vision because with trust and surrender comes the invitation for our visions to grow, to expand, to change.

If you’re interested to lean into your vision more this year, join me for this beautiful workshop where we will:
– tap into trusting your vision,
– noticing the values behind them,
– and explore ways you can feel empowered to embody your vision, even amongst uncertainty
👁 SIGN UP HERE: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/vision-workshop-for-2024-tickets… |
Lots of love,
💕 Lauren
P.S. Check out my audio library for even more ways to help you keep dreaming of all the new possibilities in your life this year… 🎧https://laurenbestcollaborative.elementor.cloud/audio-library-lauren-best/ |