Certified Hypnotherapist, Strategic Transformation Designer + Provoker of Possibility

I can help you explore new possibilities for doing things beyond how you think you should!
Life starts with you! So that's where we need to start.
This is why it’s important for me to bring the balance of fun, intention, and ease to my everyday life so I am able to live authentically and freely, and have space to support others in doing the same.
I believe that we can experience life in a way that feels easy and is even more enjoyable once we let go of the idea that we have to operate like everybody else. Instead, when we create a natural flow between all of the moving pieces that make up our lives we can show up as our most authentic selves, sharing our natural talents with those who need them most.
For me, this looks like using my superpower of my equally analytical and creative brain to ask the right questions and provoke new ways of doing things that aren’t one-size-fits-all but are designed around the life you want to live and empower you to use your own superpowers to create the change you desire in the world.

Design your work to flow with your energy, not against it.
In the beginning of discovering new possibilities for my business I neglected a lot of the freedoms that I envisioned for myself—like taking more time to rest, saying yes to an afternoon of leisure just because, and focusing on the type of work that felt incredibly easy. It’s like the traditional ways of working that I was trying so hard to forget were just so ingrained in the way I was showing up.
Before taking the leap to start my own business, I designed dozens of customer experiences, business concepts, streamlining of operations, business pivots, and new ways of delivering services in my career as Business Transformation Consultant. I have collaborated with public and private sector organizations, small businesses and entrepreneurs across the globe from Canada, to the UK, Netherlands, Australia, and Singapore, and was able to design their ideal way of working.
Yet, it took many months of trying things someone else’s way to realize that the way I was working wasn’t possibly the way that would bring me the most success, energy, or value of my time. Because for me, my energy involves many different cycles and phases, and perhaps yours does too?
Giving myself permission to do things differently didn’t happen overnight. The permission slips were revealed to me within my own self-discovery work and mindset practice that I explored using hypnosis. This is why I became Certified as a Hypnotherapist and why I support others to uncover their own permission slips that will provoke them to disrupt their own reality of perfectionism and doing things someone else’s way.
Ready to uncover your unique permissions slips that will guide you to disrupt perfectionism and provoke new possibility in your life?
conscious strategy + subconscious expansion
to create clarity, self-trust + aligned action
You can design the "perfect" strategy...
but without the conscious awareness of what truly makes you unique and the subconscious belief in yourself... this "perfect" strategy isn't going to get you where you need to go!
This is why it's important for me to support you on both conscious and subconscious levels so that you can feel confident in taking action that feels good to you.
You get to honour your uniqueness...
because someone else's proven strategy hasn't been designed with your energetics in mind.
Other people's opinions are not facts, and their experiences aren't guaranteed to be the same for you.
I believe that the most important things for you to honour are your own desires, values, and what your mind-body-heart-intuition is telling you. When we honour these things we can take action from a place of regulation, power and security.
You can unlock unlimited levels of possibility...
beyond the limits that your old stories and current reality are showing you is possible.
I know what it feels like to feel stifled by circumstance and I know what it feels like to experience possibilities beyond my wildest dreams.
The second is more magical, freeing, and wonderful, and it's possible for you too when you take the space to explore new ways of doing things, to move through resistance, and to believe whole-heartedly in your gifts.
You don't have to work hard or live up to anyone else's standards to feel successful.
Even though our minds might be telling us one thing, it is entirely possible to realign our beliefs to match our intentions, desires, and our true unique version of success that doesn’t look like anyone else’s.
The journey that I went on to say goodbye to my old beliefs of “business as usual” and to welcome my new beliefs that supported my approach of “business that I design”, involved upgrading my mindset and letting go of the blocks that were holding me back. I did this by connecting to the power of my subconscious mind through hypnosis, which was no doubt the missing puzzle piece in my journey. In fact, I loved it so much I became a Certified Hypnotherapist.
Let this snippet of my story be your permission slip to move towards a new way of working, where the guilt from allowing yourself to work less hours to spend more time simply enjoying your life doesn’t exist!
I’ll tell you that often the missing piece in any journey is the mindset piece to match the mission. This is why I have created a practice where design and mindset meet to support you in sharing your unique strengths with the world, in a way that feels so incredibly good!

Did you know that there is so much waiting for you within your Subconscious Mind?
Have you ever wondered why your desires and your actions don’t seem to match up? You might be telling yourself that you want to have more balance in your life, prioritize your wellness over your work, but you still find yourself sat at your computer screen or spending time on things that you don’t actually enjoy.
It’s within our subconscious minds that our beliefs, emotions, habits, values, protective reactions, long-term memory, imagination, intuition, and limited working memory capacity lives. And there are only three ways to program or reprogram our subconscious minds…

So in order to change our reality, we must be able to access this part of our brain to re-write our stories to support the new reality we want to have! Expanding your mind using hypnosis can help you say goodbye to old ways of doing working, expand your wealth consciousness, enhance your confidence and self-worth, heal your inner child, and see new results in your life that you hadn’t ever dreamed of!

Want to learn more about the subconscious mind and hypnosis?!
P.S. These are a few of my favourite things...
Is it too conflicting to think of myself as a collector and a minimalist? When it comes to knowing what I like, I can always trust my instincts to pin-point just what I need. I love discovering and investing in the things that bring more comfort, joy, beauty and ease to my daily life.
This might sound odd, as I am not a big napper. But I love nothing more than doing nothing, while not napping… That’s not to say I don’t love an adventure, but I’m not going to lie to you and say I don’t love a good tv binge, guided meditation, or working horizontally.
Whether I’m exploring a new city or deep diving into a new theme of interest, I thoroughly enjoy setting out with no expectations. I often set myself an intention and off I go, open to experiencing what I have yet to discover and letting my intuition guide me towards different turns.
One of my main comfort tools is a hot cup of tea in a beautiful cup. When I travel my go-to buy is a new blend and a local ceramic, so my collection of teas, tea cups, and teapots is quite diverse. There’s nothing like siping on a specific tea to match the vibe I’m looking to feel into.